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Resources for children

Lisa Murphy is the founder and CEO of Ooey Gooey INC. She is known for advancements in messy, hands on activities. Here is a link to her website.

Meri Cherry is a reggio inspired atelierista and private art teacher in Los Angeles with 20 years experience. Here is a link to her blog where she has many creative art activity ideas for children.

Music and movement is very important in early childhood education. Music can help children develop cognitively, emotionally, socially and physically. Here is a list of music and movement songs and activities. 

 Dramatic play allows children to develop in all domains. Here is a list of forty different topics for a dramatic play area.  

Field trips are not always easy to plan. Some stay at home moms have created a list of their favorite field trips here.

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Resources for Programs

RIE or resources for infant educators believe that even the youngest child should be treated as a unique human being. Here is a link to their website which explains their basic principles.  

Naeycs young children articles include information from leading early childhood education experts.Many of these articles relate to guiding children s behavior.  Here is a link to their website. 

Planning healthy meals and snacks for children is very important to their growth and development. Here is a link to Canada's food guide where you can find information on recommend servings.

Special needs children require different methods of care. Here is a brochure explaining how to care for a special needs child. 

When choosing which toys and equipment to purchase you need to keep a few things in mind. Here is an article to help with purchasing the right equipment. 

Melissa and Doug is a brand known widely in ECE. they are offering products with tremendous value, quality and design.  Their line offers something for everyone with over 2,000 innovative products for children of all ages! They even have a line of products for special needs children. 


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Resources for Families

Play is crucial in children's learning, growth and development. The American academy of pediatrics has done research on the benefits of play based programs. Here is a link to an article titled The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds.

It is important to understand anxiety and how it affects young children. Here is a link to a pdf file that includes information on anxiety in children and youth provided by Family Center. 

Being able to communicate with children effectively helps them develop pro-social behavior and build strong interpersonal relationships. Here is a link to an information booklet on communication provided by Family Center.

Family Centre is a non-profit organization providing a comprehensive range of services to children, youth and families in Southwestern Alberta. Here is a link to their program guide.

ADHD  is a neurodevelopmental and mental disorder characterized by problems paying attention, excessive activity, or difficulty controlling behavior which is not appropriate for a person's age symptoms begin by age six to twelve. Here is an informational brochure. 

Some children your child interacts with may have special needs. Children should have an understanding of special needs. Here is a brochure that helps you teach your children to except children with special needs. 

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